Okey, my name is Afiqah and student of actuary at USIM. this semester im gonna learn NIHONGO!!!! why i choose to learn this subject because to learn something new and yeh there are lots benefits that i can get through this course. I can know Japan very well since Japan is my dreamy vacation one day yes one day !

lets through out the first thing i did with my first sensei. Her name is Zuraida and so gorgeous! "OMG" thats my first impression toward sensei because she really beautiful. She welcome us with a big smile and ask anything, and our sensei is so friendly. She introduce us some thing that we need to do, to have in this semester.

And the, we learn the first culture of Japanese, which are, greet in the class properly.

" kiritsu ( stand up)"
" konnichiwa, (pray)"
" chakuseki (sitdown)"

the style is quite similar, right? but with differences gestures and words. we need to bow a little bit while say " konnichiwa" hahahahah okey done first day!

nihongo is really interesting and cant wait for next week!


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